Monday, March 20, 2006

What's your problem?

Here's a good one,
A man feared his wife wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem. The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.
Here's what you do," said the Doctor, "stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and s o on until you get a response." That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den. He says to himself, "I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what happens." Then in a normal tone he asks, 'Honey, what's for dinner?" No response. So the husband moves to closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeats, "Honey, what's for dinner?" Still no response. Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his ",
wife and asks, Honey, what's for dinner?" Again he gets no response so, He walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. "Honey, what's for dinner?" Again there is no response. So he walks right up behind her. "Honey, what's for dinner?" ;

"James, for the FIFTH time I've said, CHICKEN!"

This is so true isn't it? Many times, the problem is NEVER with ourselves, but someone else. If only we would take time to look, we would see the plank in our eyes and not be asking someone else to remove the dust in theirs. One of the best way to form and secure good friendships, is to always check yourself first in all situations.... this can be applied even if you;ve lost something in the house or misplaced something in the office - check your trays or table first! Don't go asking someone else if they've taken it or make big claims that you don't have it!

What are you saying my dearest friend
I do hope you can say it once again
I may not have heard you the first time
And I want to ensure I hear your every line

I hope I have not blamed you all the days
When things go unexpectedly and totally wrong
I would try to check on my own beginning today
So that our friendship would last very very long

Bear with me if I keep pointing at the dust in your eye
Show to me, I do have a plank in mine
Remind me that "we" is when we add "You" and "I"
Let me know, so we will last forever divine


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Purposeful Living?

Reading a book recently and was caught up with this question of Purposeful Living...
O, and anyway, apologies for the long silence... been quite busy with my new job and without trying to work too hard at home, didn't really have time to write... but progress have been good so far, lots of leads and like mentioned earlier, friends in customers arena have been helping and opening up themselves to me, so things are going great...

... which brings me to another thought... having friends in "high places" sometimes does help doesn't it? I mean, when was the last time you wish you could get out of a tight situation and having friends in high places helped? Well, many years ago, I did... I was rushing for a training program in Singapore but being young and new in the working world, I didn't have a passport at all... we had like, 2 days before I am suppose to fly to SG. During those days, mind you, to get a passport takes a couple of weeks... what I did was, I went to see my Chairman who is some Datuk and with his signature, we jumped all the queues and got my passport within the same day! Talking about having friends in high places....

Well, sometimes, I do come across difficult situations, very difficult ones, and I do call upon my Friend in high places (literally) and things eventually worked its way into what is best for me! Basically, it gets done... want to know more, send me a note...

Anyway, back to purposeful living... ever wonder why we are here on earth? What happens after we die? Do we disappear *poof* and totally cease to exist? Do we hang around like those ghost stories we see and probably fly back to our loved ones and try to touch them, push a coin up the door to proof to them we are around them, imagining doing pottery with them, etc? Or is there more to life than this? I will leave you with these thoughts today...

9 minutes of fun, 9 months of weight
Probably 9 hours of pain, they all said
A new life is born into this world of serenity
Where whatever will be, will be, will be
60 years of life where we work and toil
Then we are all gone, back into the soil
We come back again, some believe
Or do we really as many perceive....

(to be continued...)